Child Safety


St. John's Dennington is committed to Child Safety and Child Protection.

All at St. John's Primary School believe that children have the right to feel safe and be safe. Our staff ensure that all students receive the highest possible standard of care and protection at all times.

Mrs Kristie Painter has been appointed as our Child safety officer at St. John's Primary School. Kristie can be contacted on the school office phone 5562 5362 or by email at

Click below to read more information or check out our policies in the download section of this web site under Child Protection.

Additional Resourses:

A guide for creating a Child Safe Organisation

CECV Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Action Plan

Working with Children Check:

Parents and volunteers are encouraged to support St. John’s Primary School and our students by volunteering their time to help in classrooms, school events and at various other times as invited by the school.  In 2008, new State Legislation required volunteers working with children in Victoria to have a current Working with Children Check (WWC Check).

If you would like to volunteer at St. John's Primary School for any purpose/event, you will need a current Working with Children Check (WWCC), this is Victorian Government legislation.

Working With Children Check website